Thursday, February 14, 2013

Dream Big Mommy

   Hello there! My New Year's Resolution this year was to deal with the difficult relationship in my life involving my computer. To do this, I decided that I had to take the bull by the horns and do something so out of my comfort zone: I decided to BLOG! My family thinks I'm a little crazy for attempting to blog, since I do not have a love relationship with technology. Regardless of the lack of wind beneath my wings, I am determined to prove that I, mild-mannered TJ Foster CAN and WILL become a super blogger! So here I am with my first blog and I'll be honest and tell you that I'm a bit overwhelmed with all there is to learn!
   Recently I've stumbled on a website that I LOVE called Smart Creative Women, where artist and creative coach, Monica Lee, interviews talented women, (and some men), who have turned their artistic passions into successful businesses. She and her inspiring guests have challenged me to boldly go where I never thought in a million years I'd go - to a blog site! I am seriously pumped up and ready to go!
   Please bear with me as I take things slow and easy at first until I find my groove...but then you'd better look out! If you like what you see, please subscribe to Whimsybop and invite your friends to Whimsybop with us!

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